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7th September 2023

Carole Barlow
Sales are the most important element of almost any business. This is why focusing on your sales team and giving them the tools to do their job as best as they possibly can makes sense at every level. One such tool is sales territory mapping, which is the process of defining the area, objectives, and revenue that your sales team are responsible for targeting.

10th August 2023

Carole Barlow
Where do you see your business in two, five or ten years? Bigger, more established and more profitable – just like every business owner or MD. But what is the right path to get there? The answer is, usually, increased sales. Selling more, growing customer bases and moving into new markets are the driving forces behind any business growth. So, how do you support your sales staff and ensure they have all the tools and technology they need to lay the foundations for this growth?

27th July 2023

Graham Barlow
Any business lives or dies by the strength of its sales, so it’s vital you do whatever you can to give them a competitive advantage. This is why sales territory mapping software can help. This can assist you to make informed decisions about how to manage territory growth, as well as visualising existing sales data in an entirely new way. Here’s how it works.

13th July 2023

Carole Barlow
Creating a sales territory plan is a key part of building your business and mapping out your future growth. A well-built sales territory map will not only provide your sales team with an invaluable planning and analytical tool, it will also give your company focus and help your business to achieve its goals.

12th October 2018

Carole Barlow
This is a guide to territory mapping for sales and franchise teams. Understand what goes into designing effective territories so your team generate sales successfully.

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'Get More From Your Franchise Territories' guide, get your FREE pdf download now

This guide tells you everything you need to know about using territory intelligence, mapping software and demographics data to grow your franchise. Learn how to:

  • Present & sell franchise territories
  • Create new territories in new locations
  • Analyse & optimise existing territories
  • Restructure under-performing territories
  • Help franchisees find new leads and prospects

To have your free copy in your inbox within minutes, simply confirm your details on the form below, now.

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